준수 아,
사랑해 <3
cant wait to get my asia tour concert "O" package!
준수 아,
사랑해 <3
cant wait to get my asia tour concert "O" package!
Posted by
3:38 PM
this day has been hell for me. i really didnt know how to deal with it...it felt like my life was giving up on me. i felt so tired, and hopeless. my grade must have drop down for the 2nd quarter of this school year. but i know i was lonely. why? because i have all the people that care for me by my side, take care of me, try to make me feel better, and giving me hope for a better future.
today is thanksgiving, and i want to give this update blog to those special ppl.
MOM- i love you so much, i know how hard is it for you to raise me up by yourself. and as a single parents you have done such a wonderful jobs. i cant never ask for anything else. you have giving me everything that i ever wanted mom, you give me love, you give me my life, and you taught me how to be a good person. i dont know wat i would do without you mom. i know there have been many times that i made you sad, and mad at me, and i admit i havent been a good daughter at all. but you have always forgive me no matter wat. please always be happy and stay by my side mom. i promise i will make you proud.
DAD- i know you have always been by my side all this time. i know you are protecting me and watching me from above, i really am thankful for you and mom for bringing me into this world. all the time i spent with you when i was little is still a wonderful memories to me, and i will nener forget it. i love you dad. please take good care of mom and me.
KATHLEEN HO- HAPPY 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY TO US! [8-27-06] hahha we are soo weird! im glad to have you as my best friend. even though we only know each other for 15 months, but it seems like we have know each other for life. we understand each other without saying a words, we can just make eye contact and BAM! XD we know wat in each other mind. of cos we fight, and argue with each other but that just made us more closer and understand each other more. i still remember the first time we spazz about TVXQ! and writing note about them in class instead of paying attention to Ms.Wilson! LOL! but hey we actually do our works, and do our homework huh? thats wat you call smart when you dont pay attention in class but you know wat to do! LOLL!! how we always buy chocolate chips cookie from the machine and share with each other since it came with two! XD haha it's soo funny how our parents leep saying we are like an old married couple who always needs each other and missing each other! =P haha and we even admit that we are! i love you so much Kathleen, you are very dear and precious to me. you have been a very very big part in my life. let's try hard and make our dream come true together. ^^ i believe in you. i trust you. KATHLEEN+MANDY = KADY COUPLE! XD BFF!!
Xing- HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY XINGIE! ^^ ( i just want to say it again! XD) when you see junsu at the concert, please tell him to wait for me and that i will come to him one day! HAHAH and please protect him from other fans! =P ahh and no mention of minhwan watsover!! cos he will get sad and disapointed! LOLL! thanks for always be there and care for me. you even txt me even when you are so far away, and it cost alot. your txt brought a smile on my face and makes me forget about those things going on in my life. "MINHWAN IS WAITING" " JUNSU IS WATCHING" LOLL!! i was cracking up so hard on that you butthead monkey! XD AISHITERU XINGIE! XD <--- im speaking jap for you! HAHA
Tresa-thank you for being there for me during those hard times onni. nan onni yah~. i still remember you said this once in the cbox " i just want to drive over there, and take that girl away" haha somehow that setence meant alot to me. i know you and other care alot about me. and im very thankful for that. hope we can go on a date sometimes! LOL [ a date!!]
Hoisan-CORNY LOVE! XD onni, where are you these days?? 0_0 *looks around to find hoisan onni* i missed you alot. i love how you always thinks of me as your little sister and care for me, it makes me feel very warm inside even though i dont usualy show it out to you. do your best in college onni! and if i need help with anything about bussiness management in the future, you will be the one i look for! LOL!! HWAITING!!
Felicia-i have received alot of love from you from all these times, and i very am appreciated for that. you showed your caring, loving, and warmness when i needed it the most. just like wat i said when xing sent me her txt msg, your txt msg made me smile and felt loved on a cold day. arigatou onni.
Bernie- i miss you to! LALALA~~ hahaha how have you been these day? sorry i havent get any chance to talk to you at all. i hope you are doing fine! ^^ haha you know, someday i might just end up calling you BARNEY! LOL BARNEY AND FRIENDS! i love that show!XD
Emi Nguyen mat to -yah! you know you are very precious to me too. as you said im a big part of your life you are also a big part of my life. i feel so comfortable talking to you about wat going in my life cos we are pretty much have gone through the same thing. LOL! it's true we both usually stressed out and angry at each other randomly hahaha but we both know we will be here for each other no matter wat. haha im still going to kick you for calling me at 12 am! MIDNIGHT! XD you crazy mat to! hahaha this qoute if from you "As you wish for a better life, i'm glad with the one i have because you are in it" it means so much to me as i read that. im glad i have you in my life too mat to, im thankful to you. i love you. mat nho yeu mat to nhieu nhieu lam. yeu hon yeu junsu and minhwan luon! LOL!! wait scratch that! HAHAH
Eli ajjuma-you know helmoni loves you very much right? well if you dont im gonna throw banana at you and steal your banana milk! ( shh dont tell your bro he gonna come after me! XD) im soo lonely without you, and i know you feel the same way. i love your spazzing time about TVXQ! and of cos now we are including FT ISLAND! LOL!! WOOOTT. when i need any updates about them, i know i can always go to you to get it ^^ im glad i met you. have i tell you i love you? well many times already yeh? but im going to say it again in KOREAN! XD! saranghae eli
Yen-you fish! how are you doing? i missed you like crazy man. i talked to yuyi earlier today and she said at college you guys was saying how much you guys missed me and my crazyness LOL! i was like wow! thats wat i keep sneezing! HAHAH i love love our crazy convo on msn, and how we fight on msn like crazy on msn! LOL!! i even danced for you! that showed how much i love you! XD i wouldnt know wat to do without cow . all this time we have known each other has been awesomely crazyness! ( haha i jsut realized i keep using the word crazy while thanking you =P) we really have been through alot of stuff together huh? good old times! and bad old times! HAHAHHA i love you cow.
Yuyi-you monkey! haha how can you show such disrespectful your president of the FBI huh? HAHAH *kicks you* dont make me take away your army of monkey! without them you would be monkey-less =p you know you love me! LOL! i love the times when you keep coming into my computer and be my virus! i know you missed me alot while i was away, and i didnt get to tell you happened and made you and yen worried. im sorry monkey ><
Po-TELETUBIESS!! HAHAH *runs* just like other i know you have been worried about me alot *hugs* thanks for making me a hardcore FT ISLAND fan! HAHA WOOOT!! FT IS-LA-ND LET'S GO! XD especially those minhwan's pictures! ahh it driving me nuts! hahaha i love our FT ISLAND spazz time so much!! i bet jaejinie going to love the letter you wrote for him! ^^ i would if i was him! lolx let's together become a hardcore FT ISLAND FAN! WOOOOTTT.
Danita- im sorry for making you worried by not telling you wat was going on >< i know you and other ppl have been worried alot for me, and im thankful that i always have you guys by my side. but i am not thankful for all the times you making me guilty for loving minhwan and forgeting junsu! LOL but i do admit, everytime you do that i cant help but crack up. hahahha
i hope you will get into any of those 4 colleges you are applying! HWAITING!
Ting- i love the fanfic you are writing about me and junsu! ^^ write more im very impatient to find out wat is going on next! XD you doing such a great job at it unni *claps* keep up the good work!! *hugs*
Ling- haha unni, you dont have to worry i will steal junsu away from you now XD cos i already got minhwan! HAHAH i love the time we spazz and fight about who will keep junsu! LOLL! fun fun times yeh? ^^ how are you doing these day? college must have been hard for you..but remember to take good care of yourself yeh? ^^ i miss you.
and of cos i have to thank to these wonderful boys who have giving hope and the meaning to be alive
i am thankful to their parents for bringing them to life =P kamsahamnida.
they are they one made me smile like an idiot cos of their dorkiness and crazyness~
they are also the one who made me worried to death T___T
because of them, i am trying very hard to reach my dreams and my goals.
they might not and sure does not know that im exist in this world, but it doesnt matter because i know that they are exist and thats wat made me happy.
thank you so much guys. saranghae.
WOW! this is the longest post i have ever written! *shock state* i started around 10 15 or so and now is already 11:55 midnight! XD
Posted by
6:40 PM
this is the saying of sophomore class this year ^^.
today is class day color, and you have to show your class spirit like wearing your class color.
and sophomore color is black and silver! XD haha yeahh!! CLASS OF 2010 SPIRIT!
i even painted my face, and wrote 2010 on both of my arms! LOL!!
i also spary my hair silver, but it came out during gym T__T
tomorow is pep rally day! but man, i dont have any yellow and purple! -_-
ahh i forgot to mention yellow and purple os our school color! HAHAH
weird? XD
ohh and today during lunch, all the senior was doing a cheer for themselves
" senior, senior, senior, senior"
freshman color is black and electric blue
sophomore color is black and silver
junior color is blue and yellow
senior color is black and green
LOL! i dont know why but only the junior doesnt have black! =P i guess cos they voted for blue and yellow? 0_0
im going to end my post with...
Posted by
11:58 AM
It's raining outside, suddenly remind me of Bi Rain " IT'S RAINING GO RAIN!!" =P . Seems like alot of you guys concern about my ex-boyfriend neh? hopefully we will meet again someday, then i will take a pic of him and show you.
*sigh* school has been started for 2 weeks now, and i already feel wiped out. Really who invented school anway? i would really like to talk to that person =_= and worse of all i have summer reading for english. I like reading but i hate taking note while reading. Seriously give me alot of mangas and i can read it for days! but i cant stand reading books and taking note even just for 20 mins or less, it killing me ><
well recently i had been promote as a Moderator in Asteria* ^^ im really happy *smiles* i love Asteria, it seems like most of my day im on Asteria! XD the time i spend on Asteria is more than the time i spend on my homework...eh im bad neh? =p
I really am missing Junsu, of course the rest of the guys as well.
Junsu went to Brazil for a Samsung CF with boa and some other singers, while the rest of the boys went to France for a photoshoot? (maybe). Ahh, and Junsu dyed his hair black again!! XD
it's nice to see him with black hair once awhile. I wonder what color he will go for next, orange-brown again? ^^
OMO!! DBSK FIVE IN THE BLACK! and SUJU 2ND ALBUM "DON'T DON" is out!! *screams* i want both!! i want it soo much!! ><
sux that i dont have paypal or anything to pay with on yesasia....
Wildy unni said, she said on the Cbox that she can order is for me then all i have to do is pay her back!! XD
ahhh also, wildy unni and i have been planning to meet each other someday, since we dont live that far from each other at all. ^^
she can pick me up then we can go out for lunch and some shopping? XD FUNN!!
man, i havent had banana for days....i think im lacking energy cos of it ><
im going to die from banana-less (is that a word?) =p
but yeah, i really want banana!!
*calling mommy*
me: mommy, can you buy me some banana when you get home from work??
her: sure honey, i have to got buy some coffee for myself too.
me: YAY!!!
her: okies ill call back later, doing pedicure for customer right now
me: ahh okies bye mom!!
her: bye!
hHAHAH YAY!! im soo happy!! finally going to have some banana to munch on and get my energy back!
ah okies i guess this is it for today.
Posted by
4:31 PM
yes, you read it right... i used to date a korean guy! XD
haha even xing, and wildy was soo supprise!!
xing: wut??
xing: korean ex bf??
me: yup!
xing: you and meannn KOREANNNN!!
me: yes...
me: huh?? LOL why damn me??
xing: i want to date a korean guy!!
lol she even told me to camp at the mall so i can see him and get his number! LOL
xing: mandy
xing: camp at the mall!
wildy: you had a korean ex??!?!
wildy: i didnt know!!
wildy: omg!!!
me: yes...LOL why is everyone soo supprise??
wildy: of cos we would be!
wildy: we never knew!!
wildy: and he is koreann!!
me: XD!!
okies well i met him today at the mall while i was walking with my friends i saw a bunch of korean guys was sitting on the bench...and i was like oooh korean!! XD haha then i saw this one guy was looking at me, so i looked back at him....then i recognized it was my ex!! i was about to run away but i couldnt...
him: MANDY??
me: oh sh*t! *about to walks away*
him: mandy! gimme a hug! *hugs* wow you've changed alot!
me: *blushed*
him: dude this is my ex! ( to his friends)
ahhh i was soo embarrassed... ><
but yeah...i missed him, i havent seen him for soo long. He also changed alot, he has gotten very tall! i stand up to his chest while he was hugging me! HAHAHA
well okies next big news!
ahh the boys keep getting hotter and hotter! lol too hot that i need some ice to cool me down!!
the song is very addicted! ^^ they all look so hot especiall jae, and yoochun!
haha of cos JUNSU TOO!! how can i forget about my kamo?? ^0^
well if you havent watch it you should....
im sure someone already post it up on youtube or veoh.
Posted by
8:10 PM
Im soo happy and excited!!
you know why?? ^^
Im going to have korean lesson soon!
starting from this 24th until december 5pm to 8pm!
im soo pissed and sad right now!
i was soo excited over this for nothing??
seirously?? i mean come one...i even babysitt just to pay for this lesson.
me: annyeonghaseyo, im here for the korean lesson ^^
him: ohh the korean lesson, i am very sorry to say this but we are cancel the lesson.
me: really >him: cos i was the one started this program, but i have to move to Ellicot City.
me: ohh i see -_-
him: why dont you try another korean church? this is one in Old Harford Rd called "ZION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH"
me: ah okies, i will try to look it up. Thank you very much *bows*
him: you're welcome and sorry.
me: it's ok
so yes that is pretty much of it...
idk dunn wanna talk about it anymore
maybe i just meant not to know any korean?
Posted by
12:35 PM
Truly congrats to our boyz for all their hard works! ^^
my aunt bought me SUMMER DREAM SINGLE!! ^^
she sending it over here.
haha at first i thought they was selling DBSK 2nd tour concert so i told her to buy it for me, then she msg me and said that it wont be out untill december but she did buy me their new summer dream single!
i was soooo frikin hyper when she told me that! *squeals*
Posted by
2:54 PM
thanks runa for the pic! ^^
i just received feli unni e-card bday!! XD!!
sooo funny and sweet!
thank you unni! ^^
haha yeh, i will laugh for you!
*give you back BIG HUGE kisses and huggies*
thanks kristi!! ^^
Posted by
5:49 AM
a) Bold the statements that are true to you
b) Italicize the statements that you WISH are true.
c) Leave the fibs alone.Then, pick 7 people to do the same test...
1) I miss somebody right now.
2) I do not watch tv these days.
3) I wear glasses or contact lenses.
4) I love to play video games.
5) I have tried marijuana.
6) I have been in a threesome.
7) I believe honesty is usually the best policy.
8) I have changed mentally over the last year.
9) I curse.
10) I’m totally smart.
11) I’ve broken someone’s bones.
12) I’m paranoid sometimes.
13) I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
14) I need money right now.
15) I love sushi.
16) I talk really, really fast.
17) I have long hair.
18) I have lost money in Las Vegas.
19) I have at least one sibling.
20) I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past.
21) I couldn’t survive without Caller ID.
22) I like the way I look.
23) I am usually pessimistic.
24) I have a lot of mood swings.
25) I have a hidden talent.
26) I’m always hyper.
27) I have a lot of friends.
28) I have pecked someone of the same sex.
29) I enjoy talking on the phone.
30) I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.
31) I love to shop.
32) Enjoy window shopping.
33) I would rather shop than eat.
34) I don’t hate anyone.
35) I’m a pretty good dancer.
36) I’m completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother.
37) I have a cell phone.
38) I believe in God.
39) I am an adrenaline junkie.
40) I watch MTV on a daily basis.
41) I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
42) I’ve rejected someone before.
43) I want to have children in the future.
44) I have changed a diaper before.
45) I’ve called the cops on a friend before.
46) I’m not allergic to anything.
47) I have a lot to learn.
48) I’m shy around members of the opposite sex.
49) I have made a move on a friends’ significant other or crush in the past.
50) I have tried alcohol before.
51) I own the South Park movie.
52) I would die for my best friend.
53) I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza.
54) I have used my sexuality to advance my career.
55) I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all.
56) Halloween is awesome because you get free candy.
57) I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it.
58) I am happy at this moment!
59) I’m obsessed with girls/guys.
60) I tie my shoelaces differently from anyone I’ve ever met.
61) I study for tests most of the time.
62) I am comfortable with who I am right now.
63) I have more than just my ears pierced.
64) I walk barefoot wherever I can.
65) I have jumped off a bridge.
66) I love sea turtles.
67) I spend ridiculous money on makeup.
68) Plan on achieving a major goal & dream.
69) I’m proficient in a musical instrument.
70) I hate office jobs.
71) I love sci-fi movies.
72) I think water rules.
73) I went college out of state
74) I like sausages.
75) I love kisses.
76) I fall for the worst people.
77) I adore bright colours.
78) I can’t live without black eyeliner.
79) I don’t know why the hell I just did this stupid thing.
80) I usually like covers better than originals.
81) I can pick up things with my toes.
82) I can whistle.
83) I can move my tongue in waves, much like a snake’s slither.
84) I have ridden/owned a horse.
85) I still have every journal I’ve written in.
86) I can’t stick to a diet.
87) I talk in my sleep.
88) I try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions.
89) I have jazz in my blood.
90) Climbing trees is a brilliant past-time.
91) I wear a toe ring.
92) I can’t stand at LEAST one person that I work with.
93) I am a caffeine junkie.
94) I cosplay or know what cosplaying is.
95) I have been to over 15 conventions.
96) I will collect anything, and the more nonsensical the better.
97) I’m an artist.
98) I only clean my room when necessary.
99) I like a person of the same sex.
100) I love being happy.
Posted by
6:41 PM
Starting from tomorrow, no more hyperness from yuyi nor yen nor jen!! ><
those fish! i cant believe they leaving me like that!
*smack you with teukie's soondae* <-- haha xing knows wat that means neh.
Yen ah, i miss you!! come back dude! i miss our retarded conversation, our fight, our craziness!
YAH! COME BACK! do you hear me?? *yell all the way from US to HK*
yah!monkey! you are a heartless person! just like xing said! XD who gonna help me if i dont know something about the computer stuff huh. >< aishh chintcha shiro!! 4 radio broadcast w/o you! ughhh you are no fun *pouts and kicks you* you better come back soon!
Jen, you poop! i bet you having too much fun and forget about me huh. =_=
me no miss you!! *stick out tounge at you*
okies, enough complaning about those fish neh.
moving on to.....HOISAN UNNI!
ahh, you are getting old! LOL JK!
you are 20 now! so yea come over to US and visit me you poop!
Wish, you all the happiness in the world, and someday you will get to see Yoochun oppa! XD
unni ah, guess wat??....*winks*
Posted by
12:35 PM
LOL!! ling ling, yes my alarm -clock- update- person! im updating right now! XD
do you really need to use that big scrub or find another bigger scrub?? i think a cloth is enough neh ^^
i want to dedicate this thread to my dad whom has passed away for about 9 years now. He passed away when i was around 5 years old...really young huh? yea...it was one week before im going to 1st grade, and my dad wasnt there with me. Even tho i was really young but i can still remember how much tears has dropped out from my mom's eyes. She cried soo hard, and even passed out too. I was really scared i thought im also going to loose my mom. My uncle brought me upstair and put me to sleep, and when i woke up he wasnt there with me...no one was there beside me..i was alone in a dark room, and the door was aslo locked. You dont know how much scared i was ><, i screamed like there was no tomorrow. No one heard me...cos i was on the 2nd floor too, and downstair they was playing music for my dad....who laying on the bed with this eyes shut and never ever open them again. Luckly, one of the house maid heard me and called my uncle to open the door for me. I can still remember exactly that day, and the way my mom looked..she was soo pale...she cried soo much that i thought she wont have any more tears if she doesnt drink anything. XD yea...childish huh? yup thats how a kid mind is...or my mind! 0_0
daddy, i know you are somewhere in the sky watching over me and mom ^^. I am thankful for that. I know even if i cant see you i can still hear you and feel you. I believe is not my imagination but is you, the real you that has come to comfort me no matter which situation im in. I know you will always be there and lend me a hand. I will try to best to take care of mom, so dont worry okies daddy?? if you are im gonna buy a banana and make you eat it!! XD
haha of cos i wont give it to you! i love banana!
daddy ah, i wanna dedicate a song to you!! ^^ i hope you will like it cos i really like this song! you better like it too!! *glare*
Posted by
11:10 AM
okies okies!! im updating! LOL
xing and ling, yes come and clean up my blog! XD too many dust..too rusty!
dude! i have been hella hyper lately...and who made me that way??
well XING! lol she keep making me hyper whenever i just woke up or about to go to sleep. *smack xing* stop torturing me! What did i ever do to you?? XD
ahhh wat is im hyper about??? 2 words!! SUPER JUNIOR!! *faints* i think i have been brain wash by Super Junior and TVXQ!. Im warining you ppl, these guys are evils!! j.k
WOOOOT!! MY B-day is after 33's bday 2 days!!
Posted by
1:03 PM
aiyyaaaa right the moment i check my Cbox and saw Ling comment and immediately update my blog XD since i promise her not to keep it rusty!!
Ling onni: you have to remind me!! or else i even forget that i have a blog =_=
anyway, i have been staying up since schools out, except going to my mom nailshop at night to help her clean up. She been working all day, and probaly really tired so at night time i come to the shop to clean up everything for her. I vaccum the floor, take out the trash, and sometimes put all the dirty towel in te washing machine then the dryer machine, and when they done i take them out and fold them ^^. MOMMY FIGHTING~! *giggles*
aishh i think im going insane =_= i order my S mag....well i thought i did. And they sent me an email says that i didnt paid yet. WTHHH!! well then i checked my paypal account and it says i have no balance and no money history take out >< I have never use paypal before or order anything on the internet...so it really complicated to me. Also i dont get paypal......their instruction is confused the hell out of me!!
CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME OUT?? *yelling for help*
Posted by
7:52 AM
YAY!! im soo happy it's summer break!!
woooooooott ^0^
now i can stay at home and being lazy,eat, sleep, computer, TV!
woahh this is great neh?? ^^
anyway, on my last post i said that my aunt whom lives in Taiwan has been sending me all DBSK DVD right?? well.....GUESS WHAT??
I GOT IT!! *dances around*
Owned!!1. Rising Sun concert DVD+ photobook
2. History in Japan volume 1
3. History in Japan Voulme 2
*happy dances*
wish list!!!
1. TVXQ the 2nd Asia Tour concert "O Jung Ban Hap" Documentary Book.
2. S MAG
3. Prince in Pargue Photobook.
4. TVXQ Lovin' you single
5. Heart, Mind, and Soul concert Live Tour in Japan
6. TVXQ shirts, poster, shoes [ all of DBSK stuff]
7. Suju T single and Suju 1sr album [ Suju stuff]
*looks back at the wish list*
0__0 WOAH!! anyone of you want to give me money??
man, i wish there is going to be a big rain or storm and money will drop down from the sky XD
will it ever happen??
I got tagged and now i have to take a picture of my S-line. Who idea this was you woud ask??
well this whole S-line idea was from no one other than SIERRA.
so yea now that i have been tagged there is no way to escape!! ><
okies so i dont really know how to take the-S-line-picture so i took one shot of it and too lazy to take another one xp.
hahaa like my monkey boxer??
i love it!!
soo soft and warm!! ^^
1. Lisa aka bananana
2. [S]Xing[/S] okies well appearntly Xing has already been tagged =_= soo i shall pick LING!
3. Eli
Ohh, my aunt also sent me some short tooo! check it out!! you like??? XD
in my opinion i think they are very pertty! look at all the design!! must been a really hard work!! XD
ehh im not sure if im gonna wear it or not!!
i dont wanna get tanned!! and there is no way im gonna wear it during winter season
Posted by
10:19 AM
WOAHH!! my COPS [Concept of Physical Sience] teacher told me i got an A on my final!! and im the only one in the class has that score! *SQUEAL*
teacher: Mandy, come here *hands motion to come over*
me: *scared* whyyyyy~~~? ><
teacher: just come here! *smile suspicious*
me: ooohh okies....
teacher: guess what??
me: im bad? i failed??
teacher: no silly, you got an A on your final and you are the only one in this class got an A!!!
me: huh?? 0____0
teacher: you got an A!!!
me: WOOOOTT!! i got an A!!! *smile like mad*
teacher: yes yes, and you dont even needs your 10 bonus points that you won for jeopardy games.
me: ohhhh then let's someone else has it! ^^
teacher: no! you earned it!
me: ohhh okies then! i earned it!! WOOOOTT~!
^^ yay~~!! arent you all proud of me??
i promise Hoisan unni and other unnis that i will do good on my final exam!! ^^v
my aunt who lives in Taiwan, i asked her if she knows TVXQ since i figured they used TVXQ instead of DBSK. And she said yes, i do! that got me sooo super duper hyper!! XD
i asked her to buy me all their DVD and poster and she said okies i will! ^^ she sent it to US on monday so hopefully i will get it soon!! YAYA IM SOOOO HAPPY~!!
my aunt and i look almost exactly the same. People doesnt know us always thinks that we are sister or mother and daughter!! ^^
Posted by
3:14 PM
hmmmm it has been along time since i update!! XD all my unni keep saying update!! LOL
see im updating!! arent i a good girl eh?? *blink blink*
hahaa dont have to answer that i know i am~!!
i kid i kid!! ;P
im finally done with my HSA [High School Assessment], and you need to pass it to be able to graduate high school -____- i have been study like crazy, this is wat im look like at the end of the day 0_____0. I once told one of my friend OMG I CANT SEE THE LIGHT ANYMORE!! hahha
and she was like Mandy wake up wake up and smacked my head....wat a nice friend she is =___=
And my finals exams is coming up GREAT~~ wat a life i have <__<
HAHAH im sooo hyper about the drink that Xing unni posted up on her blog!! OMG soo freaking funny!! i recorded and showed everyone at school and they all like wahhh asian ppl sure is smart! LOL and they said if this drink come to America, it sures will win over all the American product ^^ I showed my mom and she was cracking up, and really amazed!
me: mom, give me......anything!
mom: why? -_-? i only have whatever!
just think of it makes me goo super duper hyper!! XD
Posted by
9:10 AM
im soo excited!! my spring break is starting this thursday!!
wooooooooot ^^v
aiyyyya and dont forget this, after spring break im going to have soo many testes then the SAT
*falls over* T_____T
changmin ah, where are you?? i need your smart brain!!
@__@ this is what i look like whenever im studying for my test!
muhahha dont i just look soo kwaiii??
hmm nothing really happen these day, except for the SM audition! yes yes, ya heard me!
SM audition! so if you wanna be a start come and post your vids up..show them your talent!!
^^ alot of our Asterian are joining!!
*evil arent i?* muhahhahah
to whom who are joining the audition FIGHTING~!!! *thumbs up*
i think im going to get my 3rd piercing tomorrow or the day after tomorrow!! whheeeeeee
well, i have been going to my mom's nailshop lately. Spring is here and summer is coming so there is soo many people wants to get their nails, toes, tanning, and waxing done! 0__o
hmm do i help out??
well uhhh......just a little bit..but most of the time i just look at people and do my own nails!! ^^
but hey i did make some money ^^ yes yes i did for helping old people! hahha
this is the front of the nailshop!
haha there is my mom and there is me with the packbag ^^v
my big cousin Nina~!!
we set the camera on 2 secs and it will takes the picture by itself. And right when we start running and get ready to our position the camera just SNAP! and took our picture i was like WTH =_=
haa my mom was like " why didnt you guys set it on 10 secs?" then i said " no~~!! this is fun yo!!"
ohh looks at where my cousin put her hand on....
my boobs!! see that?? T___T yes, after the shot i said " yo! it still growing!!" XD
that is my aunt Tina and my cousin which is her daughter. Look at how big those people and look at how tiny i am =_= they bullied me trying to get the spot so the camera will takes their picture!!
can you see Nina jumped on me??
atfer this shot my left side was so sore!
haha of course i got her back! i jumped on her when she was trying to go to the bathroom!!
arent i a genius?? *nods* ^0^ *laughs like mad*
haha this picture is sooo hilarious!! my cousin was talking my mom picture and she she was doing this weird post then i said " mom!! try this!" muhahah yeeah *peace out*
she was like " eh? no way!" but i made her do it anyway ^^
and she did but she was talking to my aunt at the same time, and my couisn was like ready? SNAP! hahaha
look at my mom face.. she was like ahh im not ready!!
hmmm i guess you can see the back of our nailshop eh?
i know is not clear, so i was planning to take a picture of every part of the shop and show you guys! ^^
wow!! this is the longest blog i have ever written!
*high five*
Posted by
5:45 PM
aiya...spring is here..when am i going to have spring break eh?
stupid school!!
i want spring break dude!
can you hear me?
*borrow sierra's bag...breath breath breath*
oooh i went to chucke chesse last sunday for my cousin's b-day and suprisingly i had fun!
at first i didnt wanna go..but my mom keep nagging about it
she said if i dont go my cousin will be sad..she will cry..and blah blah
im pretty sure you guys have seen the vid where dbsk goes to LA right?
and you see jaejoong was in the photobooth taking picture, and then you see the pencil draw it out?
well yeah they have it at chuke chesse's , so my cousins, my aunt and i went in there and took like a million picutres >.<
jessica [da b-day girl]
she looks happy yo!my other cousin Van ^^
she is sooo adorable!
and yesterday i went to the mall with hyesun unni!
haha soo much fun!
we ate a regular and a raisin pretzel ^^
talking about it makes me hungyr T__T
we went to Hollister and hyesun bought 2 T-shirt
then we went to American Eagle and tried on some sunglasses
fun fun times!!
before im done with the new update, im still going to say this
principal...here me dude?!
Posted by
9:59 AM
yuummy im eating Ritz !
haha on the box it says MADE WITH REAL CHEESE!
junsu makes with real cheese...ahhh it sure going to be yummmy eh? XD
hmm let's see im finally done with my COPS tets today. Tomorrow im going to have another test for algerbra ><
wow yesterday was the last snow day for this winter season!!
so sad....i want snow...so i dont have to go to school!
but on the bright side..spring is coming around the corner ^^
wait...not WANYUAN tho xp
Posted by
2:46 PM
Ate pho this morning YUMMMY!! then went to church...hiazzz it was pretty boring.
After i went to the Dick's sporting good and bought a new abs exercises ^^
Ling and i are having junsu's babies!!
Posted by
12:26 PM
i just got my very first blog
so happy i want to scream and eat ice cream ^^
the reason why i make this blog?
so i can keep in touch with ya =D
and talk about wanyuan to drive her crazy
but the main purpose is i can share what's going on with my life with all the Asterians out there!
im the president of the FBI in Asteria!!
another reason to scream for!!
*waves and bow*
Posted by
2:14 PM