YAY!! im soo happy it's summer break!!
woooooooott ^0^
now i can stay at home and being lazy,eat, sleep, computer, TV!
woahh this is great neh?? ^^
anyway, on my last post i said that my aunt whom lives in Taiwan has been sending me all DBSK DVD right?? well.....GUESS WHAT??
I GOT IT!! *dances around*
Owned!!1. Rising Sun concert DVD+ photobook
2. History in Japan volume 1
3. History in Japan Voulme 2
*happy dances*
wish list!!!
1. TVXQ the 2nd Asia Tour concert "O Jung Ban Hap" Documentary Book.
2. S MAG
3. Prince in Pargue Photobook.
4. TVXQ Lovin' you single
5. Heart, Mind, and Soul concert Live Tour in Japan
6. TVXQ shirts, poster, shoes [ all of DBSK stuff]
7. Suju T single and Suju 1sr album [ Suju stuff]
*looks back at the wish list*
0__0 WOAH!! anyone of you want to give me money??
man, i wish there is going to be a big rain or storm and money will drop down from the sky XD
will it ever happen??
I got tagged and now i have to take a picture of my S-line. Who idea this was you woud ask??
well this whole S-line idea was from no one other than SIERRA.
so yea now that i have been tagged there is no way to escape!! ><
okies so i dont really know how to take the-S-line-picture so i took one shot of it and too lazy to take another one xp.
hahaa like my monkey boxer??
i love it!!
soo soft and warm!! ^^
1. Lisa aka bananana
2. [S]Xing[/S] okies well appearntly Xing has already been tagged =_= soo i shall pick LING!
3. Eli
Ohh, my aunt also sent me some short tooo! check it out!! you like??? XD
in my opinion i think they are very pertty! look at all the design!! must been a really hard work!! XD
ehh im not sure if im gonna wear it or not!!
i dont wanna get tanned!! and there is no way im gonna wear it during winter season
enjoy ur summer break
Mandu... xingie already got tagged... pick another... and you're supposed to stand with your side (left or right) directly facing the camera!!!
Do it again!!! Or you're gonna confuse the next person :P
I want the O Concert DVD!!! Why ain't it out yet???
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