wahh springbreak is coming!! *peace*
im soo excited!! my spring break is starting this thursday!!
wooooooooot ^^v
aiyyyya and dont forget this, after spring break im going to have soo many testes then the SAT
*falls over* T_____T
changmin ah, where are you?? i need your smart brain!!
@__@ this is what i look like whenever im studying for my test!
muhahha dont i just look soo kwaiii??
hmm nothing really happen these day, except for the SM audition! yes yes, ya heard me!
SM audition! so if you wanna be a start come and post your vids up..show them your talent!!
^^ alot of our Asterian are joining!!
*evil arent i?* muhahhahah
to whom who are joining the audition FIGHTING~!!! *thumbs up*
i think im going to get my 3rd piercing tomorrow or the day after tomorrow!! whheeeeeee
well, i have been going to my mom's nailshop lately. Spring is here and summer is coming so there is soo many people wants to get their nails, toes, tanning, and waxing done! 0__o
hmm do i help out??
well uhhh......just a little bit..but most of the time i just look at people and do my own nails!! ^^
but hey i did make some money ^^ yes yes i did for helping old people! hahha
this is the front of the nailshop!
haha there is my mom and there is me with the packbag ^^v
my big cousin Nina~!!
we set the camera on 2 secs and it will takes the picture by itself. And right when we start running and get ready to our position the camera just SNAP! and took our picture i was like WTH =_=
haa my mom was like " why didnt you guys set it on 10 secs?" then i said " no~~!! this is fun yo!!"
ohh looks at where my cousin put her hand on....
my boobs!! see that?? T___T yes, after the shot i said " yo! it still growing!!" XD
that is my aunt Tina and my cousin which is her daughter. Look at how big those people and look at how tiny i am =_= they bullied me trying to get the spot so the camera will takes their picture!!
can you see Nina jumped on me??
atfer this shot my left side was so sore!
haha of course i got her back! i jumped on her when she was trying to go to the bathroom!!
arent i a genius?? *nods* ^0^ *laughs like mad*
haha this picture is sooo hilarious!! my cousin was talking my mom picture and she she was doing this weird post then i said " mom!! try this!" muhahah yeeah *peace out*
she was like " eh? no way!" but i made her do it anyway ^^
and she did but she was talking to my aunt at the same time, and my couisn was like ready? SNAP! hahaha
look at my mom face.. she was like ahh im not ready!!
hmmm i guess you can see the back of our nailshop eh?
i know is not clear, so i was planning to take a picture of every part of the shop and show you guys! ^^
wow!! this is the longest blog i have ever written!
*high five*